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23 06 2023


Discover the incredible world of floating wind turbines – the groundbreaking innovation captivating wind turbine engineers and industry professionals worldwide. In this article, we delve into the safety benefits, environmental harmony, and exciting job opportunities that these extraordinary structures bring. Prepare to be amazed by the potential of floating wind turbines!



At Cresto Safety, we prioritize safety above all else. Floating wind turbines offer distinct advantages in ensuring a secure working environment:

  • Designed to withstand extreme weather conditions, including hurricanes and typhoons, floating wind turbines provide enhanced resilience and durability, safeguarding both workers and the turbines themselves.
  • Through advanced engineering and innovative technologies, these turbines minimize the risks of foundation failures and structural damage, creating a safer working environment for Wind Turbine Engineers.
  • With an impressive safety track record, floating wind turbines boast significantly lower accident rates compared to traditional offshore wind farms, thanks to rigorous safety measures and cutting-edge designs.



Environmental sustainability is a key consideration in the renewable energy industry. Floating wind turbines excel in reducing environmental impact:

  • By utilizing wind resources in deeper waters, floating turbines minimize their footprint and preserve nearshore habitats, mitigating potential disturbances to marine life.
  • By tapping into offshore wind energy, these turbines contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, fostering a cleaner, greener planet.
  • Prior to installation, thorough environmental impact assessments are conducted to identify and address potential risks, ensuring minimal disruption to marine ecosystems and biodiversity.



Floating wind turbines not only ensure a safer future but also create exciting job opportunities:

  • The deployment and maintenance of floating wind farms require specialized skills, offering Wind Turbine Engineers and industry professionals unique career growth prospects in the renewable energy sector.
  • Collaboration among multiple industries during the construction phase of floating wind turbines stimulates economic growth and generates local jobs in coastal communities.
  • The global prospects for floating wind are equally promising, with the US, Europe, and Japan presenting vast expanses of deepwater where this technology can thrive. The worldwide pipeline of floating wind projects has doubled in the past year, reaching a staggering total of 18180 GWaccording to RenewableUK.



(Photo: Karoline Rivero Bernacki / Equinor ASA)


One exceptional example is the Hywind Tampen, the largest floating wind farm in the world, owned by Norwegian company Equinor. This groundbreaking project will supply electricity to oil and gas fields in the Norwegian North Sea. With 11 wind turbines of 8.6 MW each, it is estimated to meet around 35% of the annual electricity demand of five offshore platforms. The installation of Hywind Tampen presented engineers with unique challenges due to water depth and soil conditions. To overcome these obstacles, the turbines were placed on floating concrete structures anchored to the seabed with ropes and anchors. The success of this project highlights the ingenuity and safety of floating wind turbines.



Floating wind turbines revolutionize the renewable energy landscape, delivering a safer and more sustainable future while opening doors to new career opportunities. With their exceptional safety features, reduced environmental impact, and potential for career advancement, these cutting-edge structures pave the way for a greener, brighter tomorrow.

Ready to ride the wind of change? Dive deeper into the world of floating wind turbines staying up to date with the latest industry news by subscribing to our newsletter. Explore further insights and discover how Cresto Safety is committed to ensuring safety at heights for Wind Turbine Engineers and the renewable energy industry as a whole.

Together, let's harness the power of floating wind turbines and shape a safer, greener, and more prosperous future for generations to come